There is an old saying that seems to always apply to the investment world: "hindsight is 20/20". When looking one, three or six months into the past, we can easily tell what the market did and why it happened. But if you are looking to discover the trends of the market today, where do you look?

In this tutorial we will go over various indicators used by traders and brokers to find out where the markets will open and how they will trade throughout the day. This tutorial will include an explanation of S&P 500 futures, the advance/decline line, the relative strength index, the arms index, the price of oil and bonds and the ability of these indicators to detect market strength.

Long-term investors should be warned, however. Over the long term, these day-to-day fluctuations in the markets are nothing to worry about, and for them, the long-term upward drift is much more important.

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